About Us

NOTE: Project-Illuminati is supported by our audience - pages & articles sometimes contain affiliate links (which allow us to earn a small commission - at no additional cost to you) on the products or services you purchase from our partners. Our full affilliate disclaimer policy can be accessed here

Project-Illuminati is a social enterprise with a core purpose of contributing positively in society for the betterment of human kind.

We utilize revenue generated from the sale of branded merchandise, advertisements, affiliated links, and direct donations to fund humanitarian endeavors and build a philanthropic legacy for the benefit the entire Illuminatiam community.
But our contribution doesn’t stop there.  Project Illuminati is dedicated to helping people achieve a next level mindset.

In our effort to increase individual awareness & understanding of Illuminati concepts, ideas, and philosophy we strive develop & curate thoughtful, beneficial content to serve the members of our shared community in their everyday and future lives. Providing high-value quality content, and working to create transformational tools and educational opportunities for our community.

As a result, these measures aim to empower & inspire individuals to take action by awakening their critical thinking and transforming their lives. Project-Illuminati promotes the advancement of the human race through this. We thrive on inspiration, integrity, and leadership.

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Nothing To Prove

NOTE: Project-Illuminati is supported by our audience - pages & articles sometimes contain affiliate links (which allow us to earn a small commission - at no additional cost to you) on the products or services you purchase from our partners. Our full affilliate disclaimer policy can be accessed here

One of the first things that Visitors & Guests to our website need to understand from the very beginning, is that WE HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE!

📌  PROVE that the Illuminati exist
📌  DISPROVE their existence
📌  RECRUIT anyone into the Illuminati

We are here to assist our fellow Illuminatiam in gaining clarity, and a deeper understanding of what it is THEY HAVE JOINED. We wish to create a Legacy and a Resource for others – to empower & enable them to travel their path more easily. 
Would you like to join us in creating a Legacy like that?

How about a safer (less toxic) community or environment to explore and share ideas and collaborations? Would you be up for helping us build that?

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Comments & Posting

We welcome your participation and comments on the Project-Illuminagi blogs and social media, and in our webinars and online forums. Our online sites are governed by the general rules of respectful civil discourse. You are fully responsible for everything that your profile or account posts.


Project-Illuminati does not discriminate against any views. Nevertheless, Project-Illuminati may monitor any user-generated content as it chooses, and reserves the right to remove content for any reason whatever, without consent. We do not verify the identity of participants. Here are some of the rules we follow: 

      • Please stay on topic. We will remove content that is clearly off-topic.
      • We will remove content that contains abusive, vulgar, offensive, racist, threatening or harassing content, personal attacks of any kind, offensive terms that target specific individuals or groups, or sexually explicit material.
      • We will remove spam and content that promotes services or products, or that involves political campaigning or lobbying.
      • We will remove comments that give the appearance of legal, medical or financial advice.
      • We may remove content that contains personal information (whether your own or someone else’s), including home address, home or cell phone number, or personal e-mail address, in order to protect privacy.
      • Gratuitous links to sites and repeat submissions of the same (or very similar) contributions are viewed as spam and may result in the content being removed.
      • Do not post anything that you do not have the right to post or include links to copyright infringing material. We will not post comments that appear to post material without permission, and we will follow a notice and takedown procedure for complaints of copyright violation under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
      • We do not knowingly post content from participants under 13 years of age. 
      • Communications made through social media posts, e-mail, webinars, and messaging systems will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to the Project-Illuminati or any official or employee of the Project for any purpose.
      • All user-generated content is released into the public domain unless the participant clearly states otherwise, so do not submit anything you do not wish to broadcast to the general public.
      • Users who do not comply with these standards of conduct may be blocked.

Thank you for joining the conversation!

We’re finally getting to that redesign!

We’re finally getting to that redesign!

Hello and Welcome to our website

Please Pardon Our Builder’s Dust!
You caught us in the middle of a website redesign (and we were not exactly expecting guests to drop by just yet). The basic framework for our new format has been completed;  and we are beginning to add pages, posts, images, info, and other content.

We think you’re going to like it – and hope to have it ready for you soon!